Career Coaching Program

Here are some resources to help you explore and grow your career in localization.

The Art of Networking

In this short webinar, we share some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your networking experiences. In addition, some pitfalls are presented that may be hindering your efforts. You can download the Art of Networking PDF download here.

Managing your Online Reputation

This short guide offers tips on enhancing and managing your online reputation to further support your career goals. Click here to get the guide.

Professional Value Proposition

What are your professional values, brand and unique abilities? This worksheet helps to identify what makes you stand out and create your own personal value proposition to enhance your career prospects. See the full worksheet here.

Creating a Successful Resume

We have designed a comprehensive guide that will help you create a stellar resume for your next job hunt. Click here to download the guide.

More than a Cover letter

Do you want to highlight what makes you different from other candidates, but don’t know how? Follow the steps we provide in this short guide.