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Women in Localization Japan Event on Jun. 29, 2022

June 29 @ 12:00 PM - 13:00 PM

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Our localization journey to sophistication - the small L10n team to select TMS 初めての翻訳ツール選び - ローカリ未経験・小規模チームのツール選びから導入までのジャーニー


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12:00 - 12:05: 開会(千葉 容子、Women in Localization日本支部マネージャー)

Opening by Yoko Chiba, Chapter manager at Women in Localization Japan

12:05 - 12:40:「初めての翻訳ツール選び - ローカリ未経験・小規模チームのツール選びから導入までのジャーニー」、ウーブン・プラネット、加藤めぐみ

Our localization journey to sophistication - the small L10n team to select TMS with non-L10n management and colleague by Megumi Kato, Woven Planet Holdings

12:40 - 12:45 閉会



現在ウーブン・プラネット・ホールディングス社の DOJO (スキル向上のためのトレーニングを提供)部署においてローカリゼーション マネージャーとして、まだ設立間もないローカリゼーションチームの立ち上げ、日々のプロジェクト実施、ローカリゼーションプロセスの標準化に鋭意努力中。



Megumi Kato - DOJO (training and upskilling team) Localization Manager of Woven Planet Holdings. As the DOJO Localization team is still young and small, she has been working hard to establish the team, kick-off a large volume training localization project and try to standardize the localization process.

Megumi has been working most of her career in the IT industries localization department in charge of APJ or Japan regions. Megumi’s passion is to provide quality localization to the stakeholders and help implement and evangelize new localization technologies.

Megumi also enjoys working as a member of Community and Volunteer activities at her companies, which she also does at Woven Planet as well.

Women in Localization Japan
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