2023 Q4 Kudos Awards Nominations

BlogVolunteer Spotlight

Dominique Puls

I enthusiastically nominate Dominique for her outstanding contributions to Women in Localization. As a vital member of the organizing team for Tekom 2023, a prominent technical communication conference in Germany, Dominique’s remarkable initiative was evident. She not only excelled in her role but also orchestrated the participation of Women in Localization members in a panel discussion on ‘Language and Gender.’ Furthermore, she successfully secured a stand to promote our activities, which will undoubtedly enhance our organization’s reach and influence. Dominique’s actions showcase her dedication, initiative, and leadership. She recognized an opportunity to make a difference and seized it, truly exemplifying the spirit of dedication and initiative that Women in Localization values.

Luisa Serra

I would like to nominate Luisa for the Kudos Awards for this last quarter of 2023. Luisa’s dedication shines through in her involvement with two different Programs (Operations & Metrics and the Global Community), and she consistently gives 110%. There is not a single meeting she has missed, not a single time where she showed lack of motivation or will. Her desire to make a difference is truly genuine. Luisa’s dedication is not just a simple act of volunteering, it embodies the true spirit and willingness to contribute selflessly to our organization. She is humble, she is committed, she is always eager to learn and she doesn’t know just yet how valuable her ideas and actions already are. We are so lucky to have you, Luisa. I am so lucky!

Mimi Moore

Mimi is in charge of content and editorial at the Global Marketing team; she is a long-time volunteer and contributes in a wide variety of ways: social media posts, press releases, blogs and any type of gated content. This year Mimi has been pivotal as a content contributor to our organization’s 2023 project to refresh Women in Localization’s website to better organize content, modernize the design and make information more accessible to members, volunteers and other visitors. The new web site is planned to be released by year end. Mimi was able to attend all website team meetings and keep the required cadence to avoid delays, her feedback is always insightful, detailed and precise, and she gives the best of her expertise with poise and a smile, while continuing with all her other many content duties:)