Member Spotlight – Fiona Woodford

Member Spotlight

Tell us who you are

Fiona Woodford, Global Connects

Where around the world are you based?

Scotland, UK

What do you do in localization/globalization world?

Head of Language Services for a Translation company who work on government contracts

Why did you join this amazing community?

To see other successful women and rejoice in their success

What would you say is the greatest challenge facing our industry?

There is still a difficulty in working in a leadership role, even in a more women focussed industry like localization. Also, I have two young children and especially in the last year, it’s a real juggling act.

Where would you like to see localization in 5 years?

More appreciated by those who don’t work in it. I would love for a marketing company to understand translation of text will take just as long (if not longer) than it took them to write it in the original language.

Tell us something unique and fun about yourself

I have two boys #mumofboys, me, my husband and the boys are all red-headed fiery Scots!