Member Spotlight – Rain Lau

BlogMember Spotlight

Tell us who you are?

Rain Lau – APAC Geo Manager

Where around the world are you based?

Los Angeles since 2017.

What do you do in the localization/globalization world?

I am an experienced Global Localization Operations leader in tech and media industries with APAC expertise, currently working for TVT Media.

Why did you join this amazing tribe?

I had always waited for the perfect opportunity to contribute to this amazing tribe. In the Summer 2018, the time finally came when Loy and Ceci (the current WL President and Vice President) asked if I would be interested in this APAC Liaison role to help bridging the regional and core leadership teams to better empower the local chapters and enhance alignment – of course I said yes! A few months later, I was lucky enough to be promoted to this Geo Manager role.

What would you say is the greatest challenge facing our industry?

Besides Covid-19 and it’s impact on media production, we have seen the localization demands of the media industry switching from 95%+ English to non-English to a increasing trend of non-English to English and non-English to non-English and a lot of the growing demands have been for Asian languages as source.

Supply is yet to fully keep up and during this transition there have been challenges of getting the highest possible quality out of workaround workflows.This continues to keep our work interesting!

Where would you like to see localization in 5 years?

I would like to see localization as an industry being more attractive and successful as we continue to work smarter with streamlined, automated workflows and scalable solutions and I also like to see us being able to cover more suitable content with machine translation and quality assurance.

Tell us something unique and fun about yourself.
I love cats and I used to have 5 cats when I lived in Taipei.

Where can we find you?