Volunteer Spotlight – Q2 2023

BlogVolunteer Spotlight

Shalini Gupta

Besides beautifully executing her role as Marketing Manager, Shalini has also stepped up in the last few months to provide critical support in the India Chapters Social Media initiatives. She has also been actively involved in the planning of upcoming events and identifying & bringing speakers on board. Her all-round and wholehearted contributions are deeply valued, and we are so lucky to have her in the India Chapter!

Madhu Sundaramurthy

Madhu’s exceptional contributions as a volunteer truly deserve this quarter’s W.L. Kudos Award. As the PD of the Global Community, Madhu’s unwavering commitment has been instrumental, especially during the recent launch of Mentorese. Despite the often challenging time zone difference, Madhu actively participates in calls and events and is always available and supportive. Her organizational skills and proactive approach have greatly contributed to the program’s growth and she keeps everyone motivated. With a contagious smile, Madhu efficiently leads the Program, inspiring fellow volunteers and newer acquisitions by boosting team morale and reminding everyone about what we stand for. Her achievements (she was also nominated among the top 30 most influential women of the sector, by MultiLingual) remind us all of the power of passion, resilience, and keeping a positive attitude.

Vidushi Kapoor

Q2 nomination: Vidushi is someone that always takes initiative and brings new ideas to the table. She is a passionate leader that contributes to the success of the India Chapter. She keeps the team engaged and motivated through her positive attitude. 

Q1 nomination: Vidushi brings knowledge, focus, and ideas to the floor and along with that a zeal to give back to the localization industry. She is not involved at the Chapter level but also promotes W.L. at CitLoB (W.L. Partner in India). She motivates the team to collaborate, synergize and is always looking for better ways to execute projects. Her energy levels are high, which in turn motivates the team to deliver quality content to our members. Vidushi recently took over as the India Chapter Manager and has already aligned the team to operate as a community. The success of the Game Localization event in March is a clear indicator of her structured and organized thought process.