Member Spotlight – Jennifer Vela-Valido

BlogMember Spotlight

Tell us who you are?

Jennifer Vela-Valido – Women in Localization UK Chapter Manager

Where around the world are you based?

London, United Kingdom

What do you do in the localization/globalization world?

I am Localization Vendor Manager at Expedia Group. I have 15+ years of experience in localization, first as a videogames translator, then as a co-founder and Business Development Director of a subtitling company in Spain, and finally as a researcher and lecturer specializing in localization, linguistic quality control and new technologies. I guess that my curious mind has always pushed me to learn as much about this ever evolving industry and its unique ecosystem.

Why did you join this amazing tribe?

I joined the Women in Localization UK Chapter in 2017. Back then, I felt I had reached some sort of professional glass ceiling and that I needed to find a professional group that could provide me with guidance, support and wisdom. I heard about an event organised by a group called “Women in Localization” and when I attended and met such inspiring women like Francesca Farrell, Jessica Rathke, Amy Cottrell and Raquel Toledo Lombide (to name just a few) I knew that was exactly what I was missing. I asked them if I could join the UK tribe almost immediately!

What would you say is the greatest challenge facing our industry?

I think the current pandemic has put the localization industry into a test, as it has had to quickly adapt to the new needs of the companies on the client side in terms of resiliency, efficiency and flexibility. I believe the technology plays a huge role to achieve this, and that only the most tech-savvy and disruptive companies will be able to shine (and compete) in the localization industry.

Where would you like to see localization in 5 years?

I am very excited about the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the different steps of a localization workflow. Until very recently, we have been very focused on its applications in translation itself, but there are several technology companies that are implementing these technologies in other areas, such as project management, content management and quality management. I think the potential there is huge.

Tell us something unique and fun about yourself

One of my secret passions is pole sports (the competitive branch of pole dancing). I love its unique combination of delicate dancing moves with challenging acrobatics, and practicing it makes me feel strong, balanced, flexible and creative. It is a very empowering experience!

Where can we find you?